Ebrach monastery

Kloster Ebrach
Eine erstaunliche Verbindung von früher Gotik und frühem Klassizismus./
Church interior in early gothic and early neoclassicism combined
Die Chororgeln sind derzeit ohne Pfeifen
Die Chororgeln, zum Projekt-Zeitpunkt ohne Pfeifen.
Choir organ, pipes removed at the time of our project
Ebrach, Außenansicht/exterior
Ebrach, Außenansicht/exterior

In the planning stage of a restoration our institute documented the organ pipes by boriscope, as a tool for decisions concerning following restoring measures for damages or wear.

Occasionally we found traces of previously unknown or unrecorded repairs or alterations and clues about the manufacturing processes.


Prinzipal, upper labium, traces of manufacturing

Kehle und Zunge
Kehle und Zunge/reed and shallot

traces of corrosion


© Greifenberger Institut für Musikinstrumentenkunde | info@greifenberger-institut.de