Michael Engler II, 1724-1730
State of preservation: Technical structure and about 80 % of stops still extant in 1922; destroyed in 1945.
Engler's organ in Brieg, one of the biggest in Silesia, also formed a model for Silesian organs of the 18th century. Part of this was the improved option to play with other instruments in chamber pitch. Some organs had special chamber stops tuned at chamber pitch. Engler used a second option, a transposition shift for the parapet positive and four (softer) pedal stops (Subbaß 16’, Octav 8’, Flaut 8, Superoctav 4’).
The colourful specification of several strings (Salicet), the undulating flute stop „Unda maris“ and flute stop variants in different scales (RP: Flaut allemand and Flaut lieblich 8’; OW: Spitzflaut and Nachthorn 4’) show the influences from Bohemia-Austria-S Germany on Silesian organs, the rich reeds and the omnipresent „Quintatön“ the proximity to northern and central Germany.
Bordun Flaut 16’
Quintatön 16’
Salizet 16’
Violonbaß 16’ (“ins halbe Clavier”)
Prinzipal 8’ (front)
Gemshorn 8’
Flaut major 8’
Salicet 8’
Oktave 4’
Flaut minor 4’
Quinte 3’
Superoktav 2’
Sesquialtera 2f.
Mixtur 6f.
Cimbal 2f.
Trompete 8’
Prinzipal 8’ (front)
Flaut allemand 8’
Quintatön 8’
Flaut lieblich 8’
Oktave 4’
Quinte 3’
Superoktave 2’
Sedezima 1’
Mixtur 3f.
Oboe 8’
Prinzipal 8’ (front´)
Rohrflaut 8’
Unda maris 8’
Prinzipal 4’ (front)
Spitzflaut 4’
Nachthorn 4’
Quinte 3’
Octava 2’
Quinte 1½’
Sedezima 1’
Mixtur 4f.
Vox humana 8’
Majorbaß 32’
Prinzipal 16’ “ganz im Gesicht”
Subbaß* 16’
Quintatönbaß 16’
Salicetbaß 16’
Offenbaß 16’
Octavbaß* 8’
Flautbaß* 8’
Gemshornquint 6’
Superoctavbaß* 4’
Mixtur 6f.
Posaunenbaß 32’
Posaunenbaß 16’
Trompetbaß 8’
«würckliche Heerpaucken», Tremulant (OW), 2 manual couplers, pedal coupler; transposition shift to chamber pitch for RP and the pedal stops marked
© Greifenberger Institut für Musikinstrumentenkunde | info@greifenberger-institut.de