Jozef Sitarski 1745-1754
State of preservation: largely original.
The organ is one the biggest of its time in southern Poland and at the same time a characteristic example of an organ connected to the great baroque renewal of churches and monasteries which from its beginnings in Italy turned in almost a building fury spreading far over the catholic countries.
The composition of the instrument within the church architecture in the shape of an amphitheatre invited to comparison with some Austrian examples (like Sonntagberg); the traditional separation in pipe fields with projecting towers correspond with the parapet of the gallery. The parapet positive possesses carved carpets reminiscent of the baroque idea of the organ as part of the „Theatrum mundi“.
Manuał główny (HW):
Quintadena 16’
Pryncypał 8’
Unda maris 8’
Baor Flet 8’
Salicinał 8’
Pryncypał 4’ 2f.
Octava 4’
Vald flet 4’
Flet Minor 4’
Quinta 3’
Super Octava 2’
Piccolo 2’
Mixtura 5f.
Cymbał ½’ 6f.
Pozytyw (RP):
Quintadena 8’
Gembs horn 8’
Salicinał 8’
Pryncypał 4’
Flet minor 4’
Quinta 3’
Octava 2’
Quinta 1 1/2’
Mixtura 1 1/2’ 3f.
Pozytyw górny (OW):
Pryncypał 8’
Flet Major 8’
Oktawa 4’
Fugara 4’
Quinta 3’
Super Octava 2’
Ror Flet 2’
Mixtura 1’ 3f.
Major Bas 32’
Pryncypał Bas 16’
Salices Bas 16’
Sub Bas 16’
Quintadena 16’
Octava Bas 8’
Super Octava Bas 4’
Baor Flet 4’
Puson Bas 16’
© Greifenberger Institut für Musikinstrumentenkunde |