Organ case of 1622 for an instrument by Florentius Hocque and Hans Goltfuss, repaired in 1634, 1677-79 and 1718; organ by A. F. G. Heyneman 1784-1787.
State of preservation: Case and about two thirds of stops, some from the 17th and early 18th century original. The instrument has been radically changed several times, particularly in 1897 and 1948. A restoration of the state of 1787 (including three stops from 1870) in 1981-84 by Flentrop.
17th century organs of the Netherlands were often preserved but adapted to musical wishes and requirements of the times. In the organ of St, Jan of 1622 the layers from 1718 and 1784 encase the older nucleus almost like onion skins.Remarkably all this found sufficient space in the old organ case since it was planned for a Praestant 32’ (P) and 16’ (HW), the maximum possible for an organ of the time. A decisive modernisation obviously happened in the early 18th century, Heyneman apparently replaced some older stops and only added a few fashionable stops like Viola da gamba 8’ and Carillon 4’ 2f.
J.S.Bach : Herr Gott, nun schleuss den Himmel auf, BWV 1092
played by Ewald Kooiman
III+P; manuals C-f3, pedal C-f1
Praestant 16’ (1622/1984)
Bourdon 16’ (1622/1984)
Praestant 8’ (1718/1787/1984)
Holpyp 8’ (1622)
Octaaf 4’ (1622)
Tertiaan 3 1/5’ (1787)
Quint 2 2/3’ (1718)
Superoctaaf 2’ (1622/1984)
Mixtuur 2’ 7f. (1787/1984)
Trompet 16’ (1787/1984)
Trompet 8’ (1787/1984)
Praestant 8’ (17. Jhd.)
Bourdon 8’ (1984)
Quintadena 8’ (1722)
Fluyt travers 8’ (D) (1984)
Octaaf 4’ (1622/1984)
Fluyt dous 4’ (1787/1984)
Superoctaaf 2’ (1622/1984)
Flageolet 1’ (1622/1984)
Sesquialter 1½’ 2f. (1984)
Mixtuur 1’ 5f. (1787/1984)
Trompet 8’ (1787/1984)
Dulciaan 8’ (1787/1984)
Quintadena 16’ (1787/1984)
Praestant 8’ (1622/1984)
Roerfluyt 8’ (1718)
Viola da Gamba 8’ (1787)
Cornet 8’ 5f. (D) (1622/1718)
Octaaf 4’ (1622/1984)
Openfluyt 4’ (1984)
Carillon 4’ 2f. (D) (1787)
Quintfluyt 3’ (1984)
Sexquialter 2 2/3’+1 3/5’ (1787)
Superoctaaf 2’ (1622/1984)
Openfluyt 2’ (1984)
Trompet 8’ (1787/1984)
Basson/Hautbois 8’ (1870)
Vox humana 8’ (1787/1984)
Praestant 32’ (1622/1984)
Praestant 16’ (1984)
Bourdon 16’ (1870)
Octaaf 8’ (1622)
Gedekt 8’ (1870)
Octaaf 4’ (1787)
Bazuyn 16’ (1787/1984)
Trompet 8’ (1787/1984)
Clairon 4’ (1787/1984)
Cornet 2’ (1984)
Couplers RP/HW, HW/RP, OW/HW, RP/P, HW/P.
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