Joachim Wagner 1721-1723; case 1725
State of preservation: majority in original state.
It is the largest organ by Wagner still preserved who was one of the key figures in amalgamating the organ styles of north, central and south Germany (via Silesia). Key elements were the wide range of solo stops including strings, the cornett, and a separate thirds stop, and the "gravity" of the pedal without a high melody stop of 2'. This supports the monumental qualities of this instrument played only at high festivals when everyday demands of liturgy were of little importance.
J.S. Bach (1685-1750) : Sonata in G, BWV 1027a, 4th movement, Allegro moderato
played by Gerhard Weinberger
Bordun 16’
Prinzipal 8’
Viola da gamba 8’
Rohrflöte 8’
Quintadena 8’
Oktave 4’
Spitzflöte 4’
Quinte 3’
Oktave 2’
Cornett 3f. (D; from c1)
Scharff 3f.
Cymbel 3f.
Trompete 8’
Quintadena 16’
Prinzipal 8’
Salicional 8’
Gedackt 8’
Oktave 4’
Rohrflöte 4’
Nasat 3’
Oktave 2’
Terz 13/5’
Sifflöte 1’
Mixtur 4f.
Vox humana 8’
Prinzipal 16’
Violon 16’
Gemshorn 8’
Quinte 6’
Oktave 4’
Mixtur 6f.
Posaune 16’
Trompete 8’
Manual coupler; 2 Zimbelsterne
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