Krone Krone

Ettendorf near Traunstein, St. Vitus & Anna

Orgel: Ettendorf bei Traunstein, St. Vitus & Anna

Hans Vogl 1668/69

State of preservation: Keyboard, key and stop action and 4 (except some single pipes) of the 5 stops original.
Built for Corpus-Christi-Bruderschaftskapelle in St. Oswald in Traunstein. In 1695 moved to Salinenkapelle St. Rupert & Maximilian, in 1770 to Friedhofskirche St. Georg & Katharina, in 1838 to Ettendorf; the stop Flöte exchanged in 1872, a new lower case including magazine regulator in 1873; restored in 2003-05 by Alois Linder.

The organ in Ettendorf is a rare example of a small 17th century organ in Bavaria. Instruments like these were often typical for the initial equipment of new churches if - as a branch church or a pilgrimage chapel - mass was read only occasionally but using an organ was desired. Such instruments with only a few concise stops and effective tutti despite possible gaps in sound structure should be of reliable use for a long time with little effort in building and maintenance and sufficiently giving impression as a proper organ.

The fate of organs like those not only depended on their individual quality but also the fate of their home churches. If their importance grew by whatever external effects over the centuries usually at a later date a new, bigger, more modern organ was built, and the first generation instruments vanished, wrecked, or sold and moved, like this one. If less fortunate, an instrument maybe no longer of use, in a church hardly ever used, necessary repairs too expensive for generations, such an instrument fell into a deep slumber but by surviving to the present unaltered became a particular treasure from the past.

Orgel: Ettendorf bei Traunstein, St. Vitus & Anna

I; C-c3 (short octave)

Copel        8’
Flöte         4’ (2003)
Principal  2’ (front)
Octav       1’ ( c2)
Zimbl       ½’ (rep. at c1 and c2)

Q: Christoph Großpietsch und Manfred Müller (Hrsg.), Die Hans-Vogl-Orgel zu Ettendorf (1669). Festschrift zur Restaurierung, o.O. (Traunstein) 2005.


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