Johann Heinrich (+ 22.3.1767) and Georg Marcus Stein, Heidelsheim/Durlach, 1766-68.
Erhaltungszustand: Case and actions original.
The organ was designed after the model of Augsburg Barfüßer (by Johann Andreas Stein, the older brother of Johann Heinrich and cousin of Georg Marcus) „von moderner Structur, wo das ganze Werk aufeinander steht“ (of modern structure, all divisions atop of one another). The instrument, however suffered from constant need of repairs and so the pipes had to be reconstructed after old scales and dimensions.
Johann Andreas Stein's organ of Augsburg Barfüßer was fascinating for many near and far. Not only for Steins's brother and his cousin it it symbolised a new and masterly way of organ construction in technicals as well as sound aspects. The more deplorable is the decline of that epochal organ during the 19th and 20th centuries but deplorable, too, the fact that Johann Heinrich and Georg Marcus Stein met the limits of their abilities in attempting to build a counterpart of it in Schopfheim. The church superiors in Schopfheim, however, had no intentions of an organ of the Augsburg Barfüßer dimensions and the smaller church interior only allowed a reduced version. The comparison of stop numbers (37 to 22 stops) shows that the Schopfheim organ could only realise a sound frame lacking most of those spectacular sound options of the Augsburg organ receiving so much attention. On the contrary the Schopfheim upper positive represents a solo manual opposing any idea of a "penetrating" quality.
II+, manuals C-d3, pedal C-d1
Principal 8’
Cornet 5f. (D)
Groß Gedeckt 8’
Quintathön 8’
Viol di Gamba 8’
Octav 4’
Flöth offen 4’ (wood)
Quint 3’
Super Octav 2’
Mixtur 2’ 4f.
Trompete 8’
Principal 4’
Cornet 5f. (D)
Waldflöte 8’ (wood)
Rohrflöte 4’
Flagenett 2’
Vox humana 8’
Trompete 8’ (D, ab g0 )
Subbaß 16’
Octavbaß 8’
Violoncello 8’ (front)
Fagott 8’
Tremulant, two couplers
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