Krone Krone

Augsburg, St. Andreas

Augsburg, St. Andreas

Georg Friedrich Schmahl 1737

State of preservation: majority of pipes, wind chests and channels, key and parts of stop action original. Restored in 1967/68 by Rudolf Kubak.

This instrument is one of the few extant by the Schmahl family of Ulm. It is a typical instrument with one manual and a small pedal for bass support. Usual features of an organ of this type for small to medium sized churches is a diapason set with one or two alternatives each for 8' and 4'. The choice of those alternatives, here 2 different stopped ranks in 8', a flute and the "Bifaria" in 4', forms a personal mark of the indidual maker.

This organ was made originally for Augsburg Heilig-Geist-Spitalkirche in 1737. This parish was dissolved in 1815, the church partly demolished for a road widening, and the organ therefore removed and stored. After decay and war damage in 1944 the unplayable organ was transfered to the newly built church St. Andreas am Herrenbach and restored.



I+P; manual C-c3, pedal C- c1

Principal       8’ (Prospekt)
Coppel           8’
Quintathen    8’
Octav              4’
Bifaria            4’
Flöte               4’
Quint               3’
Super-Octav  2’
Mixtur             11/3’ 5f.
Cymbel           ½’ 3f. (1968)

Subbaß    16’
Octavbaß   8’
Posaune    8’ (1968)

Coupler M/P

Q: record Mitra 16187 (1987)


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